What if you can go on an adventure – now?

Out there

Out there

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

That has fascinated me recently.

Because we humans are all about finding our roots, finding that place where we feel we belong. But what if we belong nowhere, and everywhere?

What if moss is not good and it just ties us down, keeping us from our potentials, from finding out what’s out there?

Some of my friends are upping and going. Just going. Taking that trip to South America to stay for 6 months. With children. Finding a job to sustain them, just enough to sustain them. See the city, the countryside, know the culture, try to understand it and appreciate it and then move on to another darn beautiful place.

I know of another family who bought a boat and sailed around the world. Again, with children. Picking up a language or two, living in cultures, seeing what life has to offer, and becoming all the better for it.

Citizens of the world.

I’ve always admired a turning back like that. Or turning in.

Because it is embracing life – at its fullest expression.

Leaving what they know to be stable and true, for an adventure.

Everyone knows that life is an adventure. But how many leave their homes to find out, or make that, come true?

I believe it. I know it. I’ve always espoused it.

But our professions have tied us to our roots. Our homes, our families, our friends make it difficult to go out there. What we know to be comfortable and reliable makes it that much harder to take that step. In fact, we are sure that leaving our life of imagined bliss and things familiar – seems foolish.

And we can’t be foolish.

Can’t make a mistake.

So much is at stake.


What if money is not an issue? What if it does not haunt us night and day? What if we leave this course others have traveled before us and just let our imaginations take us to that somewhere?

Then you don’t need to watch television, or comment (jealously) on facebook so much.

That will be your life.

The life that others wait 65 years for (now that seems foolish).

The horizon is calling.

Live, it says. Live.

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