Tag Archives: Global Gateway Venture Capital

Where To Get Money for Your Business

Harvest Time

There is an abundance of great ideas.

But the difference between the success and failure of a great idea is execution.  Many great ideas do not even get to go off the ground.

And many times the problem is money.

If he can, the idea-owner funds himself, or borrows from family, or a relative, or the bank.  Those are the usual, if not easy, avenues.

I attended the recent Entrep Summit of the Manila Jaycees and found out an additional avenue where the idea-owner cum businessman-wannabe can get funding for his ideas.

From venture capitalists.

Enter the mental picture of the shrewd investor: eyebrows lifted, having the singeing look as the hapless businessman explains why he needs money and why he does not have any and why in the world he has not gone far with his ideas.

Through the Entrep Summit, this face changed.

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