Tag Archives: The 4-hour Workweek

Move Your Cheese

Be Uncomfortable

“When I enrolled in Maven Secrets, I did not know what I was getting into. I only thought I would learn about blogging, get to know the man behind all those amazing features in Our Awesome Planet and, yes, dabble a little bit in internet marketing. I did not know that it will lead to my re-examination of my life, that it will change my life, transfer me from the confines of my glass penthouse to vibrant, more exciting possibilities. Let this serve as a warning and a warm welcome to those who will follow this unbeaten path.”

The above was my testimony for MavenSecrets when I attended its pilot class more than a year ago.  But its echoes reverberate to the life I know today.

MavenSecrets is an internet marketing program.  But it was also a way out – because like what it did to Anton Diaz, its founder (and to my other classmates), it strengthened my desire to leave the rat race and go after things that I am passionate about – like family and doing the things I could not find the time to do, the more important things that give life its flesh and its color.

Through having multiple passive income streams.

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How Many Times Have You Said Someday? (Second of Two Parts)

Take Time to Stop and Smell the Flowers

Take Time to Stop and Smell the Flowers

You can read the first part here.

Maria of Coelho’s Eleven Minutes realized a great truth as she was looking at the floral clock:

She looked around her.  People were walking alone, heads down, hurrying off to work, to school, to the employment agency, to Rue de Berne, telling themselves: “I can wait a little longer.  I have a dream, but there’s no need to realize it today, besides, I need to earn some money.”  She understood that it was all a question of selling her time, like everyone else.  Doing things she didn’t want to do, like everyone else.  Putting up with horrible people, like everyone else.  Handing over her precious body and her precious soul in the name of a future that never arrived, like everyone else.  Saying that she still didn’t have enough, like everyone else.  Waiting just a little bit longer, like everyone else.  Waiting so that she could earn just a little bit more, postponing the realization of her dreams.

Letting life pass her by.

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